Our International Workers
Sent out from our churches to reach the world
Josh & Heather Erickson
We are the Erickson family serving on the Senegal Desert Springs Team in West Africa. Our names are Josh and Heather and we have five children: Tristan (16), Treven (12), Lincoln (11), Eliana (10), and Jackson (6).
We spent our first term learning French in France and Wolof in Senegal. Josh reopened the vocational boys school where he teaches automotive mechanics and the Bible to the talibé boys. Heather disciples the kids and leads a women's Bible study. We will be on Home Assignment in the Fox Valley until June 1, 2024.

Mally & Val mcLoughlin
Paris, France
We are Mally and Val McLoughlin and we are serving in Paris, France. We have Mally’s two kids with us 50% of the time. Val is the regional bookkeeper for the Europe region of the C&MA. Mally is on the French C&MA board as the director of communications. He also does photography and video work for many different Christian organizations in and around Paris. We work with a Canadian C&MA couple at a large church in the south east of Paris where we are heavily involved in the international community there. Val is originally from Appleton, WI.

Don & Rachel Schaeffer
Saitama, Japan
Don and Rachel have served in Japan with the C&MA since 2019. Don was born and grew up in Japan and Rachel is a Maryland girl. Don and Rachel both accepted the call into overseas ministry at a young age and studied at Toccoa Falls College, and Alliance school in Georgia. They have three young boys: Donald, Elliot and Samuel. Don and Rachel served at Plymouth Alliance Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin for 4.5 years before going to Japan, so they enjoy good WI cheese and Packer's Parties. In their first four years in Japan, they were involved in language learning, neighborhood evangelism through English teaching and hospitality, serving in church ministries such as preaching and worship leading, and assisted in beginning a Japan Alliance Youth leadership team. They are preparing for a church plant in 2024 in the city of Fujimi, located in Saitama, Japan.

Saitama, Japan
Don and Rachel have served in Japan with the C&MA since 2019. Don was born and grew up in Japan and Rachel is a Maryland girl. Don and Rachel both accepted the call into overseas ministry at a young age and studied at Toccoa Falls College, and Alliance school in Georgia. They have three young boys: Donald, Elliot and Samuel. Don and Rachel served at Plymouth Alliance Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin for 4.5 years before going to Japan, so they enjoy good WI cheese and Packer's Parties. In their first four years in Japan, they were involved in language learning, neighborhood evangelism through English teaching and hospitality, serving in church ministries such as preaching and worship leading, and assisted in beginning a Japan Alliance Youth leadership team. They are preparing for a church plant in 2024 in the city of Fujimi, located in Saitama, Japan.

We are Rob and Heidi Scott, serving in Prishtina, Kosovo in Southeastern Europe. We both grew up in Appleton, Wisconsin and were called to mission in our 40’s. We have two daughters, Eliana and Malia and have served with the CMA since 2021. Our first two years were dedicated to learning the Albanian language, culture and history. God opened the door to ministry opportunities at a community center, where we have been teaching English, Leadership classes, and helping with outreach events. In June, 2023, we both stepped into leadership roles at the center and are praying for God’s wisdom in developing young leaders and more connection points in the community. The center is a bridge between our non-believing neighbors and the local church through a comfortable gathering/coffee space, education and programs.
Michael & Lia Strand
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
We are Michael and Lia Strand, serving in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina (BiH). We have five children: three live in West Bend, and two are with us in Sarajevo. While here, we are working in a community center where we teach English, and present courses on cognitive development (Lia) and business (Michael). We are also involved with community organizations in order to integrate and be a meaningful presence. Finally and significantly, we meet with and support local churches and gatherings of believers in developing mature disciples.
We have served here in BiH for nearly four years, arriving just six months before the world changed with covid! It has been a interesting, growing, and frankly challenging season. We will be on Home Assignment beginning in July; we look forward to being with our children, families, and friends, and engaging in churches in Wisconsin. At the same time, we have developed deep friendships here in BiH, and realize that we need to say good-bye for now. Life is full of transitions which are both joyful and sorrowful; God works in the midst of it all!